Sunday, June 26, 2011

WTF?!!! why does this always happen

Why do people suddenly feel the need to confess that they had a crush on you, wanted to go out with you or in love with you when you are already in a relationship. I mean I can understand it's a safety thing cuz there is nothing you can do about it. But damn!!! I was seeing this girl back when I lived in KS we broke it off cuz her husband at the time was a major dick! Then she adds me back to her facebook page and she tells me she was in love with me back then but she didn't tell me cuz after what RJ put me through emotionally I swore off falling in love with another woman. So that she wouldn't feel rejected she didn't tell me. Now it's been almost 4 yrs later and she told me this last night. Sleep was so not an option last night. I told her that we both have people that love us and I am so in love with Shutterbug that no one can change that no even some chick that I broke it off with 4 yrs ago. Okay I feel better now