Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Was I?

I wonder if i ever really loved him. Was he just an excuse not to move back in with my mom after I got out of the military. Was he just a fuck buddy with a title? Who knows and at this point in time who cares any more. All I am happier now. Which begs another question was I happy then too? Was I happy? Was I ever truely happy? All I know is I am happy and that's all that matters. It's hard to explain when you begin to question the past in order to make sense of the present. I spent 8 years trying to be something and someone I wasn't. I pretended to be this "normal" person. I spent lots of time just trying to hold it all in. Never really knowing the real me only what I thought I was supposed to be. Well that person is no more. I know who I am now and that's all that matters honestly. It's funny how you break away from it just to really discover what you are truly made of. It's only then that you realize just how strong you really are. You turn the things that once made you weak and powerless into things that you learn from.