Wednesday, July 14, 2010

As one chapter ends the first page of the next one begins

As of August 13th I am going to be moving to Texas to live with my dad temporarily. It's just till I can get back on my feet. As some of you already know I am getting a divorce from my husband. I wanted to try to stay around here but I have to have 3 things but aren't readily available, a place of my own, a full time job and a car. Sadly I would have to find those 3 things before the lease is up in the apartment but that's just not possible right now. Granted it sucks that I would have to be away from Shutterbug for a little while but this is something I have to do for me. So wish me luck as I start on this new chapter of my life

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Life Giver

She feeds me poetry
I sing her lullabies
She breathes life into this burnt out soul
I give her comfort and love
She has no idea just how much she means to me
Oh she is my life giver
Just when I was veering on the edge of sadness she brought me flowers of joy
Oh my lady oh my tender sweet lover
Oh how this fire in my soul burns for you
When others turned their backs on me it is she who stayed
She took my hand and we soared to our castle in the sky
Thank you my love for bringing me out of the dark
Thank you for loving me the way you do

Sunday, July 4, 2010

can you say awkward

Did you ever go some where and realize that no one wants you there and everyone is just making looking at you why are you even here. The only one that wants you there is the host. Well I felt that today. I got invited to a 4th of July party and my ex-husband was there too. it just felt like everyone was on his side and didn't give a damn about me. oh well that just means they weren't really my friends any way. FUCK THEM!!! What the hell do they want me to do. I never really fit in there any way.